Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Learning to Breathe"

For years my blog has been titled "Joy in the Journey".  I felt like I needed to change the title in honor of this new grand adventure, this new chapter in our lives.  The last decade has been filled with unmet expectation of God, myself and others that have left me disillusioned and overwhelmed.  I feel as if I'm drowning in the sea of life and I need to "Learn to Breathe". 

Day by day I'm learning to let go of more of myself and fall headlong into the deep, deep love of Jesus Christ.  Here are some things that help me learn to breathe IN the goodness of God and breathe out the worries of life.
  1. Spending time in God's Word.  I read many translations.  Predominantly I read the NASB New American Standard translation.  Currently I am using the New Inductive Study Bible published by Precept Ministries International.  Precept is a particular study method that helps me focus by reading and re-reading a passage and marking particular words or phrases (  I listen to the Bible online (  Usually the ESV version.  There is also a great app for my droid (  I I also read daily devotionals (My Utmost for His Highest, Checklist or Life and Jesus Calling).  This past year I was introduced to  Our faith family has been collectively participating in this reading plan and I feel it has made a difference personally and collectively.
  2. True, lasting friendships that hold me accountable, lift me up and always bring me back to the cross. 
  3. Journaling and blogging
  4. Working the steps and principles through Celebrate Recovery.  I have been a part of this program for 7+ years.
  5. Exercising regularly-this includes jogging, lifting weights, hiking and some yoga
  6. Eating cleaner
  7. Drinking more water
  8. Prayer.  I used to think this was some very serious, arduous task.  I've come to realize that prayer IS breathing in the goodness of God and breathing out my hurt, pain and pride.  Prayer is more peaceful, personal, practical and purposeful these days.
  9. Resting.  This is a difficult one for me.  I need more sleep than I like to admit.  I am coming to appreciate an early bedtime or the gift of an afternoon nap.
  10. Laughing.  I so appreciate laughter.  It's always fun when combined with chocolate, friends, a nice wine, my sweet kiddos, date night and late night coffee talks.
For those of you who have helped me find joy as I've journeyed I pray you will continue to follow my musing while I learn to breathe.  This move to the pacific NW is going to be full of adventure and I will have LOTS to write about.  Thanks for reading.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hello 2013

So, I'm back after NOT finishing the "30 Days of Gratitude".  An epic fail.  Oh well....that was so last year anyway...hehehe

Often new years are started with promises lofty and dreams of grandeur.  Not my year.  Not this year.  This year, 2013, I'm just gonna be real.  Here's my one resolution.  Hear me...just one.  I want to LIVE.  I want to engage fully, fearlessly in all aspects of my life.  This year I'm going to LIVE and live intentionally, abundantly, passionately.  I'm stepping out of my comfort zone of fear, complacency and glass half empty mentality. My life, this life, the ONE I've been given, is going to be a grand adventure. 

In March of this year we will be moving to the greater Seattle, WA area.  We are looking at Mukilteo or Everett.  Our family is submitting to God's calling to serve as missionaries.  Please check us out at this site.  2700+ miles, a new world, a new start, yet what we've always been walking towards.  Although every part of this feels exciting, new, and a little scary it also feels comfortable, familiar with a sense of coming home. 

Here is a copy of our "partner letter" and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! 

Dear Co-Laborer,

We are so grateful for the precious love of Jesus that calls us, woes us, carries us moment by moment into a deeper more intimate understanding of Him.  It is this love that has been beckoning us to something more, something special, something weighty, yet so simple.  Loving God and loving people is what the Lord asks us, no, commands us to do, in His word (Mark 12:29-31).  Although we have been walking in this calling for years, God is re-defining us and how we can serve alongside Him in being His hands and feet to a lost, dark and dying world. 

A missionary is defined as someone who is sent to an area to evangelize, and perform ministries of service, such as social justice, education and restoration.  Jesus used this term when sending the disciples to preach in his name.  As followers of Christ we can be “salt and light” wherever we are.  It’s the wherever that is changing for the Flint family.  As we are realizing that God is calling us to a position of service on the mission field, we will be moving to the Mukilteo, WA area to serve as missionaries with Restoration Ministries. 

This is a three-fold ministry including:  planting churches and serving communities at the local level, working to develop and institute recovery programs, in the form of Celebrate Recovery , and to come alongside pastors and their families who have experienced burn-out, moral breakdown, and/or hurts that have prevented them from continuing in ministry.  We will be using the model of the City of Refuge.

Why the Northwest?  People need love everywhere, especially in the Asheville area.  Well, researchers have dubbed the NW area of the United States as the “none zone”.  Nine out of ten people check “none” as a religious affiliation.  In the “Bible belt” where we currently live, nine out of ten check “Christian” as their affiliation.  Oswald Chambers put it this way “…Jesus never measured His life by how or where He was of the greatest use. God places His saints where they will bring the most glory to Him, and we are totally incapable of judging where that may be.” We didn’t choose the NW.  God chose it for us!  By checking a box, we know that doesn’t give an accurate description of someone’s heart.  However, to check “none” brings with it a definitive position of either a lack of knowledge or concern to the place and divinity of THE Higher Power, Jesus Christ.  Please hear us, people need love, everywhere! 

It’s also vitally important that you hear that we are NOT moving 3200 miles across the country for a man (although we do have friends there), for a man-made program (yes Celebrate Recovery changed our lives as individuals and as a family), or to DO anything for God.  God is the one that redeems, saves, changes and heals.  He simply wants us to follow him, love him and share that love with others.  We are compelled to LOVE people.  People like us AND people very different from us.  God’s perfect love is so delicious that we want to share it with others. It is our prayer that this love spills out from us and helps others to see the true Light.  We take up our mantle as missionaries to love, to serve, to share life with those whom God places in our path. 

We have been loving people in Western North Carolina for years.  By participating and serving in Celebrate Recovery for more than seven years our eyes have been opened to the spiritual poverty of all people (ourselves included). God has blessed us with opportunities to minister in prisons, rehab facilities, have a recovering addict live with us for almost two years, serve in almost every capacity of our local Celebrate Recovery program, minister to homeless Veterans, participate on various worship teams, work with youth, teach Sunday school, become trained Precept Bible study leaders, co-lead a LIFE group and minister through the “Walk to Emmaus” ministry. We also have been able to serve on accountability teams for personal and family restorations, serve as sponsors to recovering addicts and work with the Department of Social Services to help people who are working diligently to get back on track. 

As mentioned previously, all followers of Christ have been called to love their neighbor.  How can you help us love the neighbors in the NW?  First, you can PRAY.  Restoration Ministries and Restoration Church-Mukilteo need a canopy of prayer.  We as a family need prayer for safety, provision, protection and peace during this transition process.  A move of 3200 miles is a grand adventure.  You can participate with Restoration Ministries by getting involved in short-term mission work, or if God should lead you to move to the NW to partner there.  Thirdly you can provide monetarily.  There are many needs: moving costs, housing costs, off-setting salaries (Nathan will be bi-vocational for now), providing specific ministry needs, you name it…we need it!  However, we are expectant to see God provide miraculously.  Giving is monitored through the Puget Sound Baptist Association.  For up-to-date information, a more thorough explanation of the ministry, or to give online, visit  Also feel free to write, email or call us with any questions. 

Thank you for loving us, sowing into our lives, supporting us in prayer and considering partnering.
In His Extravagant Love,
Nathan and Janelle Flint