Friday, May 22, 2009

God's Provision

I just want to share with you what my BIG, GOOD and LOVING God did for me this week. On Wednesday Nathan and I shared our 14th Wedding anniversary. We were unsure as to how we were going to be able to have a date, because of our finances. Nathan still hasn't found consistent work since his layoff in March. All the automotive odd jobs he's done have paid for tools, and we have put the money away to put BACK into the business. So, we haven't made ANY money yet.

With very little money in the bank we were totally surprised to receive a refund on an overpayment on a bill. We used that to have dinner on Wednesday. Babysitting that night was free (grandparents). Tonight we are having ANOTHER date. Through the love of a friend we were given a gift card to use at the movies. Another friend volunteered to keep the kids for FREE. So tonight another time out. Isn't that just like God to give us HIS best. Two nights out. I am so excited.

Keep praying for the Flint family as we continue to walk this journey of waiting. Praise the Lord though that our needs are known by HIM and he provides for EACH one of them.

In Him,


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dreaming Big....

So I have BIG dreams. Dreams that I know are ALL but impossible without God. Dreams that are so big that I'm even afraid to type them. However, I want keep dreaming because I know that God is a big God. I also know that His dreams for me are even bigger than the ones I have for myself. There is a quote from the movie "Walk to Remember" based on the novel by the same name (Nicholas Sparks). "Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself." Jamie says that as she is dying in the hospital. I think it is a wonderful sentiment, as well as the TRUTH. I take heart knowing that God is dreaming BIG for me and as long as I am seeking His face, and learning His character I cannot fail! I love that God's expectations of me and for me are so different from the ones I impose upon myself.

Down to the nitty gritty...
Here are a few of my dreams...
They are not in any particular order...

Write a book
Lose weight
Have another child (or two)
Travel (both pleasure AND missions)
Lead someone to Christ (especially my children)
Climb a mountain (even a small one)
See the sunrise over the ocean
Read the Bible completely through cover to cover

Ok I have to stop now, because I'm mentally exhausted from even sharing.

I'm glad God never sleeps, and He thinks I'm NOT crazy. Because I feel crazy for even thinking these things, much less sharing them.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lazy Days, Strawberries and Smiles

So today my family had the GREAT pleasure of driving to Knob Creek Orchard and Creamery in Lawndale, NC. It is off of exit 105 (I-40) and then 18 miles S. on HWY 18. It took us less than an hour to get there, and it was worth EVERY minute of the drive. We purchased two gallons of SWEET, HUGE, WONDERFUL strawberries. We also got some wonderful tomatoes. We then had homemade ice cream and rocked on the porch for a while. It was a blessed afternoon.

We then treated the kids to McDonalds (aka McNasty's) and Nathan and I enjoyed our hungarian mushroom soup from Apple a Day in Blk. Mtn. and a side of apple slaw. We ate the slaw on the trip down, and after our outing the soup was STILL WARM!

We laughed, read, loved, ate, played, talked, sang, smiled and shared today. Today was a day when we ALL were present in the moment. I am grateful for days such as this one, and pray that we have MANY more.

God bless anyone who reads this post, and please live every day to the fullest!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

But a Vapor

So today I found out that a friend of mine passed away suddenly. Andy DeLong a godly man, husband, father, excellent trumpet player, devoted real estate broker. He will be missed. Live is short, and I was reminded today that I'm spending more time thinking about living than acutally living. I am sorry for the DeLong's loss, and for mine as well, but grateful for the reminder "It's How You Live".

Kevin started a series two weeks ago based loosely on the book "One Month to Live". His series is entitled "30 Days to Live". I am very proud of Kevin and Carson and their hard work to place this sermon series together and small group curriculum. I am looking forward to learning, growing, changing and embracing life. So in the last two weeks, the last two DAYS I have been reminded to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE and LEARN.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Journey to Wholeness

A friend of mine and co-worker is going through the valley of cancer right now. She is walking this journey with grace and dignity. Today I had a wonderful exchange with her. She admitted to me her fear, anger, disapointment, and concern for herself AND her family. She told me how she "buzzed" the last of her hair last week and how she hates to wear her wig, but feels she must here at work. She worries about letting people down. She worries and struggles and fears and doubts...AND she loves, believes and serves a RISEN SAVIOR.

That's the part I love the most. This lady is REAL. She knows about heaven. She knows God can heal. She believes in the redeeming power of the cross AND she knows she's not perfect, and doesn't have to try to be something or someone she's not. She doesn't know what the next few months will bring. She's not looking forward to her treaments. She feels sick, tired and scared. I love her and pray for her.

What inspired me today to write this is the fact that to get to wholeness (in my opinion) we have to be broken first. I guess what I'm saying is that until we realize just how broken, lost and dependent we are on Jesus we can't be truely, completely and divinely whole.

Some of you reading this are going to be offended. You will think "Jesus doesn't cause cancer". Well how about this passage in John 9:1-3 (NLT) [As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. “Rabbi,” his disciples asked him, “why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents’ sins?” “It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.] I don't think my friend got cancer because of her sin. I don't think she caused this in anyway. I think God wants to reveal Himself to her, her family and to EVERYONE through cancer. Does God cause cancer???? Does God just "allow" things to happen. It's a double-sided coin. I am not a scholar, theologian or professor. I am not knowledgable beyond just my young years and petty insight. However, I take from this that God WILL RECEIVE GLORY through my friend's life AND death (whenver that might be and from WHATEVER cause).

I pray that my friend will be here on earth with us for MANY more years. I pray that she will watch her grandchildren grow. I pray that she will, with God's help, beat cancer. Yet, more importantly, I pray that God's will be done in her life, and that I have front row seats to the display of His glory in her life and in her illness.

Her favorite song is "I Will Rise" by Chris Tomlin. I'm not sure my friend even reads my blog, but that's ok. This isn't for her. It's for me. To remind me of her strength, power and beauty that comes SOLELY and COMPLETELY from God. Enjoy this video and pray for my friend (God knows her name)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


If you ever read this.....

"I miss you"

Friday, May 8, 2009

"What Gorilla?"

I think this video is a GREAT example of what can happen when we DENY the "monkey on our back". I think we ALL struggle with denial from time to time. I am BLESSED to have found Celebrate Recovery and count it a joy to be out of denial about my hurts, habits and hang-ups. When my "gorilla" comes knocking on my door, God, my husband, my accountability partners, and my group help me to realize I don't have to answer his call! Praise the Lord. I hope you enjoy this video and if you have ANY questions about CR feel free to email me at or check out

Mother's Day

I am so grateful for my mother. She is one of the most compassionate, loving, brave people I know. Biological mother to three. Adopted mother to one. Foster mother to 27. "Other mother" to countless others. Brenda Williams Morgan is a one of a kind. Mom, I don't know if you'll ever read this, but if you do "I rise up and call you blessed." Have a great day!