Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Time Fun

Here are some pics of my kiddos enjoying a visit to Mimi's house. They spent the day playing in Mimi's sprinkler and laughing. If I remember correctly this was in July. See how my mind is leaving me?

I hope you enjoy the pics. They had a BLAST!!!

Sept. CR Newsletter

I am a compulsive list maker. I make grocery lists and lists of books I want to read and songs I want to learn to sing. I make lists of people I need to call, email or send cards. I make lists of things I like about myself and things I don't. I make lists of things for Nathan to do around the house. Then there is the every day "to do" list. Through CR I am learning that God makes lists too. However, his are much shorter and more managable than mine. Micah 6:8 says "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." I can only do this through His spirit that lives in me. So even with a sink full of dishes, an empty fridge and three screaming kids I can accomplish God's list. That's progress. Recognizing this fact is freedom for me. Just one of the many things I've been learning in CR. So scratch something off of your "to do" list...VISIT CR. CHECK!!! You are ALWAYS welcome.

In Him,

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Good Fences"

"Good fences make good neighbors.", at least that's what Robert Frost said. Well to be honest if I saw a new fence being built in my neighbor's yard I would be offended. I struggle with co-dependency. I wonder what people think of me and I want to please ALL people, ALL the time. I would wonder why the fence was being built. I would dwell on the fact that they think I'm not a good neighbor. Do you see the skewed thinking pattern? Maybe the fence is to keep their children in, or their animals. Maybe it is simply a boundary. I'm learning a lot about boundaries these days in CR. I am learning not to view fences as negative things. I am also learning that it doesn't matter what's on the "other side" of the "fence". My life is on THIS side. I am to take care of MY OWN "yard". My life is MY life. Sounds like a simple thing to some of you, but it is a BIG thing for people like me who struggle with co-dependency and people pleasing. You know the "grass is greener..." mentality really isn't doing anyone ANY good. Do you know why the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Maybe it's all the manure over there you just can't see? I say all of that to say, I'm grateful for my life. I'm grateful for CR and I'm grateful for the boundaries I'm learning to recognize AND make in my life. CR is a safe place. There is a "fence" around the information that you share on Tuesdays. It is a confidential place to share life together and to grow and change. Why not see what's on THIS side. You're welcome....

Still growing,

Janelle Flint

April Newsletter

Spring cleaning is a task that most of us dread. It seems daunting and overwhelming but when completed brings a sense of relief, joy and accomplishment. That is very similar to the journey through recovery. It could be (with both cleaning and recovery) that you don't know where to get started, so you avoid it altogether. Well, taking the first step is the hardest. Coming to recovery is THE first step. The "cleaning" of the rooms of your heart certainly cannot and will not occur in that first night, but it is a step to opening your heart to the cleaning power of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:1 says "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Take that step, allow God to start cleaning your heart, setting you free and you WILL experience joy, freedom, relief, contentment and happiness as never before. Be blessed. We hope to see you in CR.

In Him,


CR Article for March

I realize it's NOT March, but I'm just sharing some past work. Hope you enjoy.

Merriam-Webster's Online dictionary states that CELEBRATE means to observe a notable occasion with festivities. It goes on to say that RECOVERY is the process of overcoming a disorder or shortcoming.

So...why would anyone want to gather to have a meal, worship and share a time of festivity about overcoming their shortcomings? It almost seems as if Celebrate Recovery is an oxymoron or a contradictory term. Yet, Praise God it IS NOT. John 8:36 (HCSB) says "Therefore if the Son sets you free, you really will be free. Galatians 5:1 (HCSB) says "Christ has liberated us into freedom. Therefore stand firm and don't submit again to a yoke of slavery." So, we "party" each week because of Christ's work, NOT our shortcomings. We celebrate together knowing Christ is the One who is doing the recovering. We are simply working the principles and steps to allow His victory to be realized in our lives.

Easter is this month. There is so much to celebrating Easter. When I think of this day it brings up images of new shoes, fancy dresses, LOTS of candy. It also makes me think of too much food with family and friends. We are one of those families that does ham and chicken because we can't decide. And are they called "deviled" eggs because the evil one wants us to gain weight? I've always wondered. I know I will be attending a glorious service with music and celebration of Jesus' resurrection. I will even be attending a wedding this Easter Sunday. Easter means giving AND receiving. We receive Christ's love for us so we can give it away. That's the 8th principle "Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words."

I can't think of a better way to realize God's salvation plan than to come to Celebrate Recovery. Celebrate Recovery IS an Easter celebration. The American Heritage dictionary says this about Easter. Easter is a Christian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. We do this EVERY Tuesday as we gather to give thanks to God for His Son Jesus Christ and the work that was done on Calvary. As I answer my questions, work the steps and principles in my small group, I'm practicing Easter. As I sing praises in the time of worship, I'm celebrating Easter. As I hear a testimony and hear of God's work in some one's life, I'm celebrating Easter. As I meet with my accountability partner to pray and share life WE are celebrating Easter. As I learn to live a life of victory in Christ I am celebrating Easter and CELEBRATING RECOVERY. See the connection?

Happy Easter. Why don't you come join us? You can even wear your new "fancy" church shoes. We always have sweets and I bet I could arrange a plate of deviled eggs. Be blessed in the month of March and know that you are welcome each and every Tuesday night for an Easter party!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


This is my first newsletter entry for Mtn. View's monthly publication. I get the privilege of writing each month as a CR participant. I thought I would share these with you and get some feedback. I pray they are a blessing to you.

"De-Nial...It's NOT just a river in Egypt". Ha! Ha! That's something we say at Celebrate Recovery. Yet, I say it not tongue and cheek. Denial is something that all of us face. However in Jer. 6:14 (TLB) it says "You can't heal a wound by saying it's not there!"

I just want to share a BRIEF synopsis of my journey OUT of denial. Back in the early summer of 2005 I was asked to come and help facilitate worship at a Celebrate Recovery meeting with my husband Nathan. We agreed readily. We love to sing and to help out with worship. It also was a blessing to be a help to "hurting people". So Nathan and I went to help "lead". We went several times subsequently and enjoyed helping "those people". Well after several weeks of this we both were being convicted by our loving Holy Spirit. At different times and in different ways Nathan and I were becoming aware of OUR need for Celebrate Recovery. It was a few months later when Nathan and I had a talk and agreed that we needed to stay for a CR meeting and not just scoot out after worship. We stayed and the rest is history.

Almost three years later and after completing a 12 step study, Nathan and I are BLESSED to be some of "those people". What kind of "people" are they who come to Celebrate Recovery? Those with hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Those with struggles with chemical dependency. Those with problems and struggles of depression, loneliness, doubt, anger, and people pleasing. Those with "x" amount of extra pounds they carry around because of life's hurts. There are EVERY kind of people in CR. I feel so blessed to have stumbled into such a safe place. A place where Janelle can be Janelle. I can come just as I am and know that's all that's expected. It's the truest representation of the body of Christ I have EVER experienced.

So, if you are ready to step out of denial and discover YOUR need for Celebrate Recovery then I welcome you!! If not, and you just want to come and see why people like ME need Celebrate Recovery, one of "those people", then I welcome you also. Oh, that was sarcastic wasn't it? We'll that's one of the things I'm working on in my second 12 step study. Guess I still need CR.

In Him,

Janelle Flint