Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Glorious Evening

Nathan and I were blessed with a once in a lifetime opportunity Saturday night. God is faithful and gracious to love us enough to make a way for things such as this to happen. Our dear friend Barbara blessed us with the joy and privilege to attend the Gaither Vocal Band concert at the Biltmore Estate. The South Terrace makes a wonderful backdrop for any event, but espcially a conert honoring the One who created that view. I cannot begin to describe to you the color of the sky after the lightening storm. I cannot put into words the move of the Spirit amongst His people. I am inadequate to represent the beauty, splendor, majesty, grace and power of that night. All I can say was it was a glimpse of heaven, pure and unadulterated. It was worship in it's finest state. I pray as long as I am able to that I will remember that evening.

Sure there are little details such as Michael English singing for the first time in four months after his surgery. Or the fact that it was the "Reunion Tour" and it was the Gaither Vocal Band at it's finest (minus Guy..tear, tear). Maybe you are interested in knowing that they let Mark Lowry sing "Mary did you Know". Perhaps to some the finest moment would have been hearing Gloria do the narration on "There's Just Something About that Name". I have some favorite moments too...Gordon Mote singing "Don't Let Me Miss the Glory". Michael English weeping in a state of brokeness, dependance and freedom was moving. Bill practically in tears as he sang to his bride of 48 years. It was remarkable, worshipful, moving and I will forever be grateful to have been a part of it.

I will leave you with a lyric from "Let Freedom Ring". David Phelps sang these words that one again pierced my soul "‎God built freedom into every fiber of creation
and He meant for us to all be free and whole. When my Lord bought freedom with the blood of His redemption His cross stamped pardon on my very soul."

Be free today knowing that if Jesus is YOUR LORD that this kind of worship, joy and freedom will be yours for ETERNITY. I look forward to singing His praises with you forever and we won't have to buy a ticket. Christ already reserved our spot with His blood!! Isn't that cool????

In Him,


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