Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Counting Down

My mind is so full of stuff these days. I can't remember for sure, but I think this is a technique we learned from Greg and Nathalie. When the kids are preparing to go somewhere or gearing up for an event or holiday we count the "sleeps" until that day. We even mark it on the calendar.

This year we have already made our paper chain to count down the days until December 25th. Even though the chain will have to be removed and replaced on the wall in our new home (hopefully the move takes place in the next two weeks...that's another blog). So when I rediscovered this song I thought it TOTALLY appropriate for our family and wanted to share it with you. The kids just spent sometime with Mimi (Nathan's mother) recently and watched this movie. I had forgotten about this scene. I hope you enjoy "One More Sleep 'Till Christmas" from a Muppet Christmas Carol.

Happy Thanksgiving (one day early),



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