Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Amazing Day!!

I won't go into all of the details (if you wanna know just ask me) but yesterday I was gifted with the most amazing day I think I've had in YEARS. The most amazing part of my day is I was blessed beyond measure with the reminder of God's AMAZING and UNCONDITIONAL love for me.

The punchline of the story is I was sitting in a bathroom stall in the Inn at Biltmore crying my eyes out because I was completely overwhelmed. Overwhelmed at what you might ask. At God's glory and majesty. I had seen it and experienced it ALL day. In nature, in people's faces as they smiled at me, in the conversation with my friend, in the love of my husband to let me have a GIRLS day and watch all three of the kids AND not bother me once by phone....I truly could go on and on about it.

Of course song lyrics speak to me (I wonder why..hahaha!) so here's one for you...

"How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure"

I felt treasured yesterday. I felt beautiful. I felt like a beloved child of God. It was amazing, it was incredible, it was a gift, and I pray that I remember it always!!!

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