Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our Weekend

Nathan, Joseph and I had a special weekend together. Yesterday we went to the Fun Depot. He loves to play 18 wheeler with Dad. We always eat cheese pizza and he rides the Go Karts. Yesterady Roy met us and we had lots of fun. Jesse and JoyAnn were NOT with us (I'll explain later). Then after we returned home I went to work and Nathan and Joseph played Wii and ate hot dogs (one of Joe's favs). They played and enjoyed "guy" time.

Sunday was a beautiful day (literally and figuratively). After church we were able to have lunch with Joseph and then head to Pack Place for a concert in the Diana Wortham Theatre. This was a special gift to the three of us from Nathan's parents. Not only did they pay for the tickets, they also kept Jesse and JoyAnn for two nights so we could focus on Joseph for an entire weekend. We loved the concert. It was a concert entirely of Celtic music. The highlight for all of us was the guest harpist/composer/performer Billy Jackson. Billy is Joseph's music therapist. After the concert Joseph went up and spoke to Billy. It was a treasure to be with our boy and have some fun with him. I'm at work now, but he is at home with Dad once again playing Wii and eating vanilla ice cream. What a treat...

I hope we can have more weekends like this with Joseph. He was truly engaged and overall his behavior was EXCELLENT! He is making progress. I am blessed to be his mom.

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